Author Archives: nellicitasworld

InkTober 2019 – Day 5: “Build”

I feel like I am cheating tonight, because I don’t have much time to draw. But I love this message. Seeing the love that went – and still goes – into building an extended family reminded me of all the little things we don’t see and appreciate of other people’s gifts, work, and sacrifices on […]

InkTober 2019 – Day 3: “Bait”

I knew what to draw the moment I saw this word – once bitten, twice shy! I promise I am telling the truth: I was truly only going to Puppyland to meet my niece and pet the puppies with my dad. It was my hubby who got soft!! Lol

InkTober 2019 – Day 2: Mindless

Love it! I knew what I was going to draw the moment I saw the word. But I was so excited that I didn’t see how my faithful and most favorite marker was drying out until I started to use it… sorry… Hope you like it anyway! 🙂

InkTober 2017 – Day 30: Found

I read that you can revive dried out markers with water or alcohol.  I tried it with one and it worked! But it was the water based marker and I used alcohol in it…. Eek!!! Did I ruin it??? I hope not…. It seems ok…??? I have so many dried out markers that I could […]

InkTober 2017 – Day 28: Fall

Yes.  This really happened.  To me. But in my defense, my friend is a linguistic genius and I would regularly see her sitting at her desk *actually* studying the dictionary! Then she’d share her amazing discoveries with me. Made sense that if anyone would know, it would be her.  I’d have been a fool to […]

InkTober – Day 27: Climb

I heard they don’t offer the old style monkey bars anymore.  I am very sad that any child got hurt on them. But the experience of making it to the top – even if you don’t have the balance to stand up there – is exhilarating.  I’m sorry modern kids will miss that. Then again, […]