Category Archives: InkTober 2017

InkTober 2017 – Day 11: Run

I challenged my dad to draw something related to “run” with me.  Then I thought of how run just never is in my mind when I think of my dad.  Here’s just one example of why. Now mind you, *ALL* soldiers on post were required to run. Even my boss and military co-workers.   Just […]

InkTober 2017 – Day 10: Gigantic

I didn’t know what I could draw to represent “Gigantic” and started worrying.  Then I step outside to have lunch in my car.  I look up and grin.  Seriously,  the BIGGEST Yoshi in the clouds grinning back at me!!!  How awesome was that?!?!?!

InkTober 2017 – Day 9: Screech

This one looks way different because of the markers.   It was an experiment.  I need more definition for the baby birds and the parents ‘ wings, I think…  maybe more of the main objects because of the deep colors of the Stabilo markers (Pen 68s).  But I still like it.  🙂

InkTober 2017 – Day 8: Crooked

Hee hee!  I was so focused on trying to find that picture of the guy on the subway who was holding a giant cheese puff (blast that click bait anyway!!) that this is what came to mind for “crooked.” But it sure was fun to draw!!!

InkTober 2017 – Day 4: Underwater

I wanted to continue with the air quality issue, but there’s enough downer stuff in the world today.  So after watching a video on Coral Reefs from FreeSchool, I had my inspiration.   Wish I had time to add an Octopus, a puffer fish, a parrot fish, and an angler fish.  (I think that’s what […]

InkTober 2017 – Day 2: Divided

Divided was not us yesterday – everyone agreed the shootings were evil. Most of us were numb. I couldn’t draw… Here’s my hope for the United States: Appreciate and celebrate the differences! Justice for all! Understanding and sharing! God made is all unique –  let’s enjoy that!!! 🙂